During last night’s Ocala City Council meeting, members approved a three-year contract extension for SunTran operation and management services with RATP Dev USA, Inc.
According to city records, on May 4, 2021, city council members approved a six-month extension to the existing contract with RATP to allow Ocala to re-bid the management services contract. Proposals from several companies were received, and after evaluation, the selection committee unanimously selected RATP.
The proposed contract has a duration of three years with an option for one three-year renewal period.
According to city records, the contract rate for the first three years is $64.34 per revenue hour for an annual total of 33,500 revenue hours, or $2,155,390 per year over the next three years.
This represents a $5.40 increase per hour over the current contract rate with RATP, which was established back in April 2018.
SunTran operates as a division of the Growth Management Department since the city of Ocala took over management of the service from the Ocala/Marion Transportation Planning Organization in 2019.