Michael Charles Mundy, aged 75, passed away peacefully at his home in Ocala, Florida, on Sunday, July 21st, 2024, after a 5 year battle with lung cancer. Michael leaves behind his loving wife of 17 years, Martha Mundy, and two children, his son, Michael “Al.” Mundy and wife, Elizabeth Mundy, and their two children, Thomas M. Mundy and Catherine P. Mundy, and his daughter, Amber L. Mundy, and her two children, Luke Shenefelt and Seth Mundy.
Michael was born in Tennessee, to Marvin and Ruth Mundy. Michael started his life in a small two-room home with a dirt floor and no running water near Douglas Dam, Tennessee. He and his sister, Sheila “Diane” Mundy, were very close. Michael loved his country very much and felt he was living the American dream, having started with so little. Marvin Mundy moved to Norwood, Ohio, to work for Ford, when Michael was 12. Michael attended Norwood High School where he was a 3-letter Varsity athlete, competing in wrestling, football, and baseball.
Michael joined the police academy immediately after high school at the age of 18. He was proud to serve the Cincinnati Police for 30 years, alongside his dear friend, Carl Nash. Throughout his life, Michael was recognized for his strong work ethic and dedication, often working a second job while working full time.
Michael’s hobbies included traveling, fishing, and golf. He also enjoyed watching movies, and in particular, loved old Westerns.