Just six months after its groundbreaking, a new elementary school in southwest Ocala is taking shape, with plans to admit students next school year.

“New Elementary School X” is currently under construction at 7200 SW 49th Avenue Road in Ocala.

New Elementary School sign in southwest Ocala
New Elementary School X coming to southwest Ocala. (Ocala-News.com Staff Photo)

Marion County Public Schools officials broke ground on the elementary school, and “New Elementary School Y” in March.

Both schools are scheduled to admit students for the 2025-2026 academic school year.

The new elementary school site is located in the Winding Oaks community, just down the road from Marion Ranch, a new residential development currently being built out.

Future Site of New Elementary School in southwest Ocala Ocala News.com Staff Photo; August 30, 2024
“New Elementary School X” is currently being built out in southwest Ocala (Ocala News.com Staff Photo)

When complete, the new elementary school will be a two-story, concrete building that encompasses 115,000 square feet. It will feature 43 classrooms and will serve up to 860 students, according to MCPS.

The facility will feature minimal entry points, offices for administrative staff on the first floor, and a media center on the second floor.

According to the district, both schools are being built in response to the “growing student populations” in southwest Marion County.

New Elementary School W and X in Marion County
New Elementary School W and X in Marion County (Photo: Marion County Public Schools)

According to MCPS, the budget for New Elementary School X is $47 million. The district borrowed the funds to build the schools, as well as an additional high school in southwest Marion County.

In addition to the new elementary schools, Marion County School Board officials recently entered into an agreement with a company that is managing the construction of a new, $130 million high school in south Ocala.

In July, the school board approved a $2.9-million contract to design a new middle school to serve Silver Springs Shores.

Jeremiah Delgado has lived in Florida for over 25 years, moving to the Sunshine State from Chicago, Illinois in 1999, just before his 11th birthday. While living in Winter Springs, Florida, Delgado attended...