To the Editor:

Want the truth about why America is so dysfunctional? It’s not because of Democrats or Republicans. It’s not because of President Biden or former President Trump. Quite frankly, those two had limited power when it comes to steering the course of this great nation. It’s the Congress of the United States and more importantly, those who control the Congress, namely lobbyists. Money is the root of this evil.

When you vote for your representatives and senators, both in the US Congress and the State of Florida, do you seriously believe you’re voting for the ideals and beliefs of that person?


You are essentially voting for those individuals and corporations who funded their campaigns. If you believe otherwise, you are only kidding yourself.

Political campaigns, even on a state level, are expensive, very expensive. Huge corporations like big oil, big pharma, big business, and the like, donate millions upon millions of dollars to these campaigns every election cycle. If you think for even a minute, that these corporations are promoting their stance on this or that political agenda, then you are very naïve. These mega rich people and corporations want something in return, that being their interests being served. And they get it.

Need an example? Why do you think drugs like Ozempic, a diabetes drug, costs nearly $1000 per month in the United States and only $93 per month in the UK? One of the reasons, among many, is because some foreign governments negotiate the price directly with the drug maker. The US does not. Why? Because big pharma has successfully lobbied Congress not to interfere with drug pricing. Following the shootings at multiple schools, there was an outcry for gun reform in this country. Virtually every poll conducted showed that the American people wanted action. But Congress would not act, primarily because the NRA has a financial chokehold on Congress. You get the idea. And the list goes on and on.

The United States needs to severely limit the access that lobbyists have to members of Congress and state representatives. Unfortunately, that in itself would take an act of Congress or a Constitutional amendment and that won’t happen. Members of Congress will not bite the hands that feed them, so the cycle continues. The old saying “money talks, b*** s**t walks” certainly holds a lot of truth. Sadly, The United States does not have citizens initiatives like the State of Florida. We need to get back to citizen representation, not corporate representation. The only way that will happen is if Congress provides set amounts to campaign funding allowing no outside influence.

Tom Connolley
The Villages