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Saturday, May 18, 2024

More residents discuss dangerous drivers on Ocala/Marion County roads

In response to recent letters from Marion County residents who voiced concerns regarding dangerous drivers on Ocala/Marion County roads, more residents wrote in to share their thoughts on the topic.

“I am one of the many frustrated drivers trying to get to where I’m going on SR 200. The speed limit is 45 to 50 mph, which is fast enough for me. The issue I have is with the drivers who feel it’s okay and safe to drive 30 mph in any lane they choose. It is not. Yes, I weave in and out to pass these cars and trucks. This makes it more dangerous for everyone. If you want to drive that slow, do it in the right lane. It is the law,” says Ocala resident Jeffrey Kinnear.

“I live near the new bridge on 36th Avenue. Talking about speeding, I drive across that bridge doing 40 mph traveling north. I can look in my rear view mirror and a vehicle could be a block or more behind me. By the time I’m headed down the other side, that vehicle is passing me like I’m standing still, and by this time I’m coasting at 45 mph coming down off that bridge. It’s crazy how fast the vehicles are traveling north or south off that bridge,” says Richard Spaans, Ocala resident.

“As a former resident of the New York City tri-state area, I have many anecdotes connected to reckless driving on the New York State Thruway, Garden State Parkway, Route 17, New Jersey Turnpike, and I-287. Now I add Florida’s I-75, CR 200 and 475, A, B, C, D, etc. Well, maybe just I-75, if you consider every Marion County thoroughfare to be the Interstate. It matters not what route you prefer. Ten miles per hour over the posted speed limit is unacceptable. Tailgating and passing on the right is commonplace; intimidation is rampant; ‘no passing zones’ ignored. Texting remains firmly a driving ‘skill.’ It seems to me that the county is passing up a great opportunity to substantially enhance its coffers with increased penalties and enforcement,” says Ocala resident Ed Britton.

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