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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Ocala Health says vaccine ‘most effective tool against new wave’ of COVID-19

Ocala Health says the most effective tool in fighting the “new wave” of COVID-19 cases is to get vaccinated. 

In recent weeks, the organization has taken to its social media channels in an effort to educate residents on the vaccine, as well establish that the hospital and its associated emergency rooms are not COVID-19 testing sites. 

“Ocala Health and its Emergency Rooms are not public COVID-19 testing sites,” reads a post from the ORMC Facebook page. The organization says that inquiries regarding testing sites in the community should be directed through the Florida Department of Health’s COVID-19 website. https://floridahealthcovid19.gov

The Florida Department of Health Marion County recently announced the return of testing at the Southeastern Livestock Pavilion in Ocala. 

ORMC says that one of the “most effective tools” in combatting the spread of the virus is the COVID-19 vaccine. 

“Receiving the COVID-19 vaccine has been proven to be one of the most effective tools we have to stop the spread of the virus,” reads the post. “We encourage everyone to continue to take measures to protect yourself, your family and our community, and follow guidance from public health officials to help stop this new wave in its tracks.” 

The organization has maintained that stance in recent weeks, citing a rise in cases.

“As COVID-19 numbers rise in our area and across the nation, we hope that you will consider getting vaccinated,” reads a separate social media post from July. According the organization, it normally takes two weeks after the vaccination for the body to build protection (i.e., immunity) against the virus that causes COVID-19.