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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hundreds respond to letter critical of Sheriff Billy Woods: He has our vote.

Ocala-News.com received a half-dozen letters and hundreds of comments in response to a letter from a Dunnellon resident that opined that Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods’ is “unfit” to lead. Here are some of them:

Jay White, Marion County:I read the submission by Galen Ballard and even though one is entitled to their opinion, I disagree with the posting. First, you conclude Billy Woods instructed his deputies to not use masks based on hearsay. Second, were the deputies alone in their cars or outside in open spaces? Neither require masks. Third, research shows masks are ineffective. I think Sheriff Woods has done an excellent job and will have my vote.”

Tom Pajevic, Ocala: “To the contributor Galen Ballard’s claims of Sheriff Billy Woods being unfit to serve his position and mandating no masks to his deputies during the peak of Covid: Getting this information from “several local people” to substantiate this is quite a bold accusation, in my opinion. Mr. Ballard appears to be upset with officers driving in their cruisers without wearing masks. I think we can all agree that we chuckled at people driving by themselves wearing masks in an enclosed vehicle; I see no reason for it unless they were transporting someone. One fact that I can contribute is that Sheriff Billy Woods’ performance record for this county is above and beyond and totally engaged with overseeing operations that is undeniable. I am a former retired police officer myself and volunteer my time for the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, so I get a little bit of a closer look than most. I can undoubtably say we are very fortunate to have such a great group of deputies that is run the way it should be. Thanks to Sheriff Billy Woods and his deputies for all their hard, dedicated work and sacrifices within our communities. I also have to disagree with Mr. Ballard implying Sheriff Woods wouldn’t make a good dog catcher. I think he likes puppies but I will have to fact check that one.”

Rosemarie Permenter, Ocala: “Maybe, just maybe, Sheriff Woods knew the truth about the poisonous vaccines forced on people the world over through main stream media propaganda. People who believed Fauci’s lies about ‘corona virus.’ Ask yourself, how many times did Fauci change his ‘story?’ Everyone is about to see the truth, the truth that millions, yes, millions of the people on earth succumbed to the vaccines, but of course, not reported by the main stream media. All medical journals stated corona virus is another word for the common cold. But guess what? All this proof has been ‘washed’ from their journals. Why did they ban the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine? I’ll let you figure it out. And 98 percent of the people who died were the elderly who couldn’t tolerate the common flu. No one died of COVID. It was the flu/common cold. The use of Remdisivir is to blame for the deaths. Think drowning in your own lung fluid.”

Scott Donohue, Marion County: “I’ve been here five years. I used to think this guy was some country yahoo sheriff. I’ve listened, watched, and learned how wrong I was. I have worked with many of the deputies, seen firsthand how many of them conduct themselves, and the majority are a positive reflection of their boss. He definitely has my vote.”

Peter Fletcher, Marion County: “Billy Woods is a no nonsense sheriff and nowadays that’s exactly what we need. He has my vote.”

Tim Savage: “Wonder if the person who wrote this still wears a mask. They certainly haven’t read all the recent data that masks were all but useless. He has my vote.”