69.3 F
Friday, May 3, 2024

Citra resident discusses safety concerns on county roads

To the Editor:

I live in the Citra area off Highway 318, where the street from Highway 318 is paved for about a mile up to the P.O. mailbox. The rest of the roads branching out from there have been designated private. If an emergency were to occur, such as fire, medical reasons, or police, it would present a dangerous problem even on the paved area.

Since nothing can be done for the private road section, I’ll address the paved section designated as ‘County’ which has not been properly repaired in the 20-plus years since moving here. They come every two to three years and patch holes on the County portion (sloppy). Sometimes you have more supervisors than workers and they only do what they have to.

The sand is eating away on both sides of the road, making it dangerous ​when approaching traffic is coming from the opposite direction. It forces one or the other person to pull off the side of the paved area, which is too narrow for two cars to pass simultaneously without running into fences, resident mailboxes, and USPS mailboxes.

We need the road completely redone and widened for safety reasons. When we moved here, there were very few people. According to Duke outage reports, we have 114 families out here, and the paved section is the only safe way in and out of the whole area.

Audrey Downs
Citra resident

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