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Friday, May 3, 2024

Residents discuss Ocala/Marion County’s entertainment options

Several residents wrote in to share their thoughts on the types of activities and entertainment options that they would like to see in the Ocala/Marion County area.

“I would like to see a water park go into the same spot that Wild Waters was located. I would also like to see a lazy river at the park if we can get a water park back. Wild Waters was a huge success back in the late 80’s and 90’s. The place was always packed with guests and it kept kids out of trouble,” says Ocala resident Thomas Jarrell.

“I have lived in Marion County for 20 years and I’m not sure why we don’t have a casino here. It would bring jobs, income, and enjoyment instead of all the bars and increased DUI offenses,” says Ronald George, Silver Springs resident.

“This new water park – it’s a joke. We need it closer to town. Who is going to drive to Maricamp to go? We have so many gas stations here, car washes, and now a car dealership. Why was the RaceTrac taken away where the flea market is on 44th Avenue? That was popular. Anything for kids is taken away for huge buildings, gas stations, car washes, and home sites that are so expensive that we seniors on a budget can’t afford. It’s time for this so-called city to focus on kids. Maybe they will have something to do besides getting into trouble. I have never been in a city that also has nothing to do for the older people. Have a city pool for us to go to as well. Stop with these gas stations, etc. Have respect for our kids. Have respect for our seniors. Have discounted movies twice a week. We want something to do. Have respect for those that deserve it,” says Ocala resident Regina Pickett.

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