89.5 F
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Ocala Recreation and Parks reopening facilities closed by COVID-19 crisis

The City of Ocala Recreation and Parks Department is reopening adult activities facilities that were closed in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Beginning Monday, June 22, the Barbara Gaskin Washington Adult Activity Center, 210 N.W. 12th Ave., and the Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center, 830 N.E. Eighth Ave., will reopen. Hours of operation will be Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Adult activity centers provide an opportunity for adults 50 years of age and older to participate in educational programs, remain physically active, socialize and learn about community resources or receive referrals for services. Programming availability will be limited to allow proper social distancing, and activities such as bingo, line dancing, crafts and table-top games will be provided.

Health screenings will take place before entering the facility and hand sanitizer will be provided. In accordance with current recommended health guidelines due to the COVID-19 outbreak, all visitors to the adult centers must wear a face covering and adhere to a physical distance of six feet apart.

For more information about scheduled programs, call the Barbara Gaskin Washington Adult Activity Center at (352) 629-8357 or the Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center at (352) 629-8545.