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Friday, May 17, 2024

Belleview woman with suspended license arrested after fleeing from MCSO corporal

A 56-year-old Belleview woman with a suspended driver’s license was arrested after she fled from a Marion County Sheriff’s Office corporal following an attempted traffic stop.

On Sunday, the MCSO corporal was inside a stationary patrol car which was facing east in the 6000 block of SE 92nd Loop in Belleview. While the corporal was conducting a traffic enforcement, a tan Nissan SUV was observed approaching the patrol car from behind.

The corporal used a mounted radar unit which showed that the vehicle was traveling at 82 miles per hour, which was over 30 miles per hour above the posted speed limit.

When the vehicle passed the patrol car, the corporal activated the patrol car’s emergency lights and attempted to conduct a traffic stop near the 6200 block of SE 92nd Loop. The driver, later identified as Lisa Laurene Carskadon, refused to stop.

Lisa Laurene Carskadon
Lisa Laurene Carskadon

According to the MCSO report, Carskadon approached the intersection of SE 92nd Loop and SE 110th Street, and she came to a stop since the traffic signal was red. The corporal began to approach her vehicle when the light turned green, and Carskadon continued eastbound on SE 92nd Loop.

The corporal re-entered the patrol car and caught up to the vehicle as it was approaching the traffic light at SE 92nd Loop and SE Highway 25. Carskadon entered the left turn lane and stopped the vehicle due to another red traffic signal.

The corporal approached the driver’s side door of the vehicle and instructed Carskadon to place the vehicle into park. Carskadon initially complied with the request, but when the traffic signal turned green, she shifted the vehicle back into drive and turned eastbound onto SE Highway 25.

The corporal continued the pursuit eastbound on SE Highway 25 until Carskadon turned southbound onto SE 104th Terrace. She then proceeded to turn east onto 123rd Street Road, south onto SE 106th Court, and she pulled her vehicle into the driveway of a residence in the 12000 block of SE 106th Court.

The MCSO report indicated that Carskadon was forcefully removed from the vehicle by the corporal, and she was detained. She stated that she was told as a child to either go home or head to the nearest police station if she was scared. Since she did not know where the nearest police station was located, she stated that she drove home.

When asked why she did not stop when she saw that the corporal was wearing a marked uniform and was driving a marked patrol car, she again repeated that she was scared.

The corporal checked Carskadon’s criminal history and discovered that she had five prior convictions for driving with a suspended license. Her driver’s license was suspended indefinitely on August 13, 2012.

Carskadon was arrested and transported to Marion County Jail where she is currently being held on $4,000 bond. She is facing felony charges for driving with a suspended license (third or subsequent offense) and fleeing and eluding a law enforcement officer.

A court date has not been scheduled yet, according to jail records.