80.6 F
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Please stop the growth in Marion County

To the Editor:

We have been here in Marion County since 1977. We moved from Miami because this area was calm, well respected, had room for our horses, and plenty of room to move about and enjoy the sights.

The other day, I was sitting in a waiting room and overheard someone say, “Ocala is getting just like Orlando and Miami.” That statement resonated through me and sadly they are correct.

Marion County was, and should be, preserved as the Horse Capital of the World. That is the precise reason most people are here in Marion County.

Please stop the growth and, at the very least, vet those who want to live here. We don’t want, and never will want, Marion County to change into another big metropolis like Miami, Orlando, or Tampa. If that’s want you want, then move to one of those cities, but most of us want to stay just the way we were.

Stop the growth and relax. We moved here to get away from the hustle and bustle. Put a moratorium on building and stop the influx of anyone and everyone.

Jo Cummings
Summerfield resident