71 F
Friday, May 17, 2024

Lopsided growth in Ocala/Marion County

To the Editor:

I am in complete agreement with the letter submitted by Theresa Grimes on August 4, 2023. I have been here one year from Maryland and I noticed right away how many retail/shopping, medical services, etc. are located on the SW side of Ocala. Those of us living on the SE and NE side must drive 10 to 15 miles (or more) for customary shops and services. To get to Lowe’s or Home Depot requires a 10-mile drive! The city fathers have created a very poor situation. In the Shores area, we do not need another 7-Eleven, car wash, or fast food business. A good restaurant or two is much needed. Better roadways is a must considering the housing growth in this area. SE Maricamp Road is a 2-up, 2-down roadway and is becoming even more congested. It should be expanded 1 lane, both east and west.

Shirley Daly
Silver Springs Shores resident