An Ocala teen won a brand new Honda vehicle for perfect attendance Tuesday evening.

Tyler standing in front of his brand new 2017 Honda Civic Coupe LX
Tyler standing in front of his brand new 2017 Honda Civic Coupe LX

Tyler Livingston, a senior at Forest High School, won a brand new 2017 Honda Civic Coupe LX after entering in the “Perfect Car for Perfect Attendance” giveaway at the Honda of Ocala.

This is the sixth annual giveaway that Honda of Ocala has participated in. Marion County high school seniors were to register between August 15 and August 26 of 2016.

Their attendance was tracked from August 29, 2016 through May 5, 2017 and a student who entered in was randomly selected.

“This giveaway has become one of the most exciting and fulfilling traditions at Honda of Ocala. Investing in our community and its future through education is a priority for us,” said Andrew Vislosky, General Manager of Honda of Ocala in a press release.

The giveaway is meant to inspire seniors to attend school daily during their last year.