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Monday, May 13, 2024

Pistol-firing Belleview woman jailed after spat with daughter’s friend

Patricia Lynn Porter

A Belleview woman was arrested after she fired a pistol into the air during an argument with her daughter’s friend.

Patricia Lynn Porter, 57, of 12069 SE 61st Court, was charged Sunday night with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill and firing a weapon in public or on residential property. The incident happened in a developed neighborhood with homes close together.

Porter told a Marion County sheriff’s deputy that her daughter was hanging out with the victim, who she does not approve of. Porter said she texted the victim that when she gets dropped off by the victim, she doesn’t want to talk to him and he should stay in his vehicle, according to the sheriff’s office report.

Porter said when the victim arrived to drop off the witness, he had a bag with gifts for Porter. She said her husband stepped in front of the victim to keep him from coming into the house. Porter said everyone started to argue and she said the victim needs to leave and everyone needs to calm down. She said she fired one shot in the air from a 40-caliber Glock pistol and the victim got back into his truck and left the scene, the report said.

Another deputy spoke with the victim at his home on SE 105th Street. He said he and Porter’s daughter had been hanging out all day when he decided to stop at the store while he was on the way to dropping her off. The victim said he got Porter gifts for Mother’s Day, according to the report.

The victim said when he arrived at the residence, Porter’s husband confronted her and told him to leave the property. He said Porter refused to take his gifts and everyone started to argue. The victim said Porter pulled out the weapon and fired it off. He said he wasn’t sure, but he thought Porter pointed it at him before firing it, the report said.

The victim said he had a well-founded fear for his life and left the scene. He was hyperventilating and having a nervous breakdown from the situation, and he said he wasn’t sure when he arrived home whether or not he had been shot, according to the report, according to the report.

Porter’s daughter said she was hanging out with the victim and when they arrived home, Porter’s husband confronted them and an argument ensued. She said Porter came out and produced the weapon and fired it into the air. She said the victim was afraid and left the scene. Porter’s husband gave a similar statement, the report said.