73.4 F
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Should dogs be allowed in stores? Reader shares thoughts on topic.

To the Editor:

We are missing a few critical points on the subject of whether or not to allow dogs into airports, stores, and public eating and food areas.

First of all, if a company says, “No Dogs (except ADA legal service dogs),” then follow the rules! Why do people think they are entitled to do whatever they want with no consideration of others?

My disabled son had a legal service dog, properly trained, legally insured, and registered nationally with a legal service dog organization. He carried their team (his and his service dogs) “credentials” everywhere and was made to provide them on many occasions.

The key words are “ADA legal,” and any store or restaurant employee has the perfect right to ask for it, by law.

Those in opposition argue, “My dog is clean.” We don’t know that, and that doesn’t always go for everyone. Is there a certified “clean” certificate for your dog? I don’t care if people are dirty . . . not the point. Dogs carry germs and are not trained and insured. Simple!

With abusing this right, non-disabled people wanting to break the laws in airports, stores, and public grocery stores are causing more problems for the people who really need a service dog.

Look this up online and do some research. Our veterans and disabled folks deserve better.

Donna Simon
Summerfield resident